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Agile Transformation journey: people at the heart of processes

We support you in identifying change and improvement areas.

Let us guide you on the Agile Transformation journey.

Agile Transformation:
what is it?

Agile Transformation is the process by which an organisation transitions to an agile approach when it comes to managing its business.

It is a change that goes beyond the adoption of agile software development methodologies: it is an all-encompassing effort that involves the entire company and transcends software development.

The goal is to create an environment that promotes creativity and innovation, making employees accountable and reducing unnecessary management levels.

The final result? Inter-departmental or self-organised teams, a new approach to customer satisfaction, a reduced number of processes and plans in favour of action, as well as improved information sharing.

The advantages of Agile Transformation



1. Inception

We take a “snapshot” of the organisation, involving everyone who is included in the transformation process. The result is a general action plan that will provide an excellent overview of the results about to be obtained.
The purpose of the process is to identify the user’s macro-requirements and define the IT/technological domain, building the end product, time and technological constraints, the budget, the targets, and the main stakeholders.

OUTPUT: a document that summarises the work done on the launch and a design proposal for the adoption of the solution inside the organisation or the work group.

2. Training

We propose specific training, by our certified consultants, to offer teams the skills they need for the project, according to the needs that arise during the Inception phase. The training events are made up of face-to-face lessons and interactive sessions, in the classroom or online, targeting the needs that came to light during the Inception phase: Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking, Leadership, Design Sprint, Agile Marketing, Scrum@Scale, Product Owner.

3. Project Delivery

The Project Delivery phase is when we translate the initial requirements in a solution that meets them. The agile SCRUM methodology makes it possible to divide the set of activities needed to implement a solution into functionalities, each one to be developed into an activity Sprint.

OUTPUT: the Atlassian solution in production, available to all users

4. Agile Coaching

Often, delivering a solution to the stakeholders and rendering it fully operational is more than a walk in the park. This phase asks for an ability to transform corporate processes that may require coaching and training.
We therefore complement Project Delivery with Agile Coaching, thus solidifying the agile working culture and targeting strengths and weaknesses, implementing a “Continuous Improvement” method.

Would you like to know more?

Download the case studies and the free white papers!


Agile Transformation Journey at CRIF: Agile Coaching Experience and the Impact of Atlassian Tools


Coopservice Agile Scaling Model.
A real success story of agilisation.


From IT Service Management to Business Collaboration: the illimity Bank case